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Faith Seeking Understanding

As the right order requires us to believe the deep things of Christian faith before we undertake to discuss them by reason.

– St. Anselm, Cur Deus Homo

This is built upon Augustine’s famous “Believe, so that you may understand.” That is, faith seeking understanding, or reason within the bounds of religion.

  • If anyone’s will is to do God’s will, he will know whether the teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority (John 7:17).


  1. Timothy says:

    I’ve seen this truth in my own life. When I first came to know the LORD, there were things that were hard to fathom that should not have been. I accepted them by faith because they were Scriptural, and as I grew in my faith, the understanding followed.

    This shows the foolishness of those who say they will not believe until they understand. They have it backwards and need to believe first, understanding will follow.

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