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Blogging Through In Defense of Sanity (G.K. Chesterton)

You can take this as whetting your appetite, or as a warning, but I will be blogging through In Defense of Sanity for a bit. The book is a collection of the ‘best’ essays of G.K. Chesterton. Chesterton is so highly quotable, and so thought-provoking, that I have no idea where this may lead. Dealing with a book by Chesterton is hard enough. But dealing with rapid fire essays on random subjects in a close span is doubly, nay triply, nay quadly (spellcheck says that’s not a word) tough.  And so, all the more, I need to do it if I am going to retain some of the gold there to be mined.

Where We Are (Update)

We are here. Or at least I am. I don’t know where you are, unless of course you tell me. But I digress.

My previous post was the last on The Tyranny of Email, from here I will be blogging some quotes and thoughts from Wendell Berry’s Another Turn of the Crank. Lord willing, you can expect those to begin in the next few days. I was particularly struck by his essay called Health is Membership, which focuses on health as it relates to community and environment, so that’s where the posts will focus. Of course I’ll be posting random Bible snippets and whatnot along the way.

Thanks for stopping by as always. That is all.

What’s Rolling

The blog is a bit quiet these days. I’ve had some schoolwork keeping me busy. I had to interview two ministers for an assignment. This actually took a lot of time and effort with scheduling and preparing and whatnot. But I managed to get interviews with two older gentlemen who have been in the ministry for over 100 years between the two of them. It was helpful and encouraging. I’ll post on this in the near future, Lord willing.

I have just finished reading N.D. Wilson’s new book, Death by Living. I also plan to write about it. I recommend it heartily (I recommend anything by him you can get your hands on). I’ve been reading some Chesterton and have been working on a post about one particular essay for a week now but just haven’t been able to get to the exact line of thought I’m looking for. I am also reading The Pilgrim’s Progress with my daughter, but I don’t know if I’ll have time to post much on it (there’s just so much there). My wife and I are reading Francis Chan’s book, Crazy Love, together, so we’ll see on that one. I have also started writing a brief commentary on how each chapter of 2 Samuel points us to Jesus Christ, but that one’s going to take a while.  And on top of all that, I am finishing up preaching through the ‘golden chain’ section of Romans 8, so who knows what might come from that.

So, long story short, posts are coming, Lord willing, just not right at this moment. Stay tuned.