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Blog Update (April 2015)

So, I’m basically writing this to explain the fact that my posting will be sporadic for a while. (I never know whether I need to explain things like this). If you don’t see a post for a week, it doesn’t mean that I’m going away.

My feng shui has recently been messed with by a change in jobs and extra preaching opportunities. These are good things, but my routine is in shards. I have had a set daily routine for about five years. I didn’t even let a return to college mess up that routine. My wife says I’m like a robot. But now, with my new job, I’ve had to make some changes. I am working more hours and getting up earlier in the morning. In the past I was able to stay up way later than I should have in order to read, study, and write while my children were asleep. Nevermore.

I still have time to blog, but my new-year-goal of reading a novel a week is challenging and has forced me to cut down on the amount of nonfiction I am reading. Hence, less to blog about.

I’m a month into the new schedule and I still haven’t really settled into it. It’s going to take some time. It may be two weeks or it may be two months, but during that time I will probably only post once or twice a week and it will mainly concern the fiction I’m reading. I’m always willing to have discussions in the comments, whether or not they relate to the post (within reason).

That is all. Anybody want to recommend a book? Preferably modern, and less than 300 pages would be a plus.

Of course, this means I’ll suddenly get inspired and start posting every day.


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