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Return of Snippets (Until Someone Proposes a Better Name)

I mentioned last week that my writing is lagging behind as I attempt to meet my dimwitted goal of reading a novel a week. Since that is the case, I’ve decided that I will start posting some small Bible-based thoughts a couple of times a week. I did this semi-regularly a few years ago, calling them ‘snippets.’ I don’t particularly like the name, but I don’t know what else to call it. I suppose with our ocean-related theme we could call them droplets or something of the sort, who knows? Does it really matter?

I have a weird Bible-reading rotation. Every week I have my personal reading (I don’t like to call it devotional) in the Old Testament and New Testament daily, which goes in a four-month cycle (I’m finishing up Malachi and Revelation on Monday). Plus, we have our family reading, which is us simply reading from front to back (we’re in Ezekiel at the moment). Plus, I have whatever I am studying for a sermon (right now I’m preaching through Judges) and Sunday School (doing a series on how major characters of the Old Testament point to the Lord Jesus Christ). I spend so much time in Scripture, and preaching and teaching Scripture, that I actually find it hard to write about it. My sermons and Sunday School lessons are outlines that no one would be able to follow without actually hearing them preached and taught, so I can’t really share those here. So, I suppose it might be helpful to take random verses from those various readings and give a couple of thoughts. I’ll try to keep them short and pithy.

Anyway, the point is that when you see short posts on verses of Scripture start showing up, now you know why.

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