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I’m Tapping Out

I’m officially calling it quits on the 52 novels series. Rash vows are made to be broken. Hence rash vows should not be made. We know not what a day bringeth forth. Seems like I’ve heard that somewhere before.

I just finished reading my 20th novel of the year so far. I must confess I’ve had enough. Story fatigue.

Contributing to the fact that I’ve had enough is that three Neil Postman books and one hardcore theology book just arrived at my door. After living in storyville for over four months, it’s time for non-fiction. In approximately four months I will be tired of non-fiction and ready for more novels.

Expect Neil Postman to start lighting up the blog in the near future, along with some Covenant Theology.


    • Heath says:

      I got a book called ‘The Law Is Not of Faith: Essays on Works and Grace in the Mosaic Covenant.’ Here’s a link: http://www.amazon.com/The-Law-Is-Not-Faith/dp/1596381000

      Bryan Estelle is one of the co-editors. I took a one week intensive class on the OT prophetic books with him and really enjoyed it. Also, Guy Waters, one of my favorite former professors, has a section in it. It’s pretty much about the recapitulation of the Cov. of Works within the Mosaic Law. Bryan Estelle introduced me to that doctrine during his class and I have found it to be very helpful.

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