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Were the Luddites Right?

We’ve had a couple of Luddite conversations here on the blog. Who knew Ludd never existed?

Anyhow, I happened to catch an interesting (and very short) take on the Luddites on NPR yesterday. It gives a more balanced perspective than one generally hears, painting them as the original ‘Rage Against the Machine.’

Were they right? Economically speaking, perhaps they were. Perhaps they weren’t as much anti-machinery as they were pro-human-economic-flourishing. Give it a listen.

Listen to When ‘Luddites’ Attack: Destroying Machines To Save Their Jobs HERE.

Boredom and Creativity: Take Time to be Bored

The subject of boredom is one of my hobby horses. I’ve written about it before (HERE and HERE, for example). I do not allow my children to use the word ‘bored’ in reference to themselves. I do not say it myself. And anyone in general who says it in my presence will likely get some sort of cross examination thrown their way. Boredom, says me, is like spiritual and intellectual self-mutilation. In addition to that, it also a big middle finger at pretty much everything that has ever been made in all of creation. But I digress.

I was listening to Studio 360 on NPR yesterday (a regular Sunday habit of mine during drive time) and heard an interesting discussion on the topic of boredom. During said interview, Manoush Zomorodi was sharing some ideas and research on the relation of boredom to creative work. It’s always nice to hear others backing up your own opinions… Anyhow, she was making the point that research points to the fact that most creative work flows out of what modern Americans would tend to call boredom. Without the time to daydream, to sit alone and think, to take stock of life and goals, to build imaginary castles and characters, we are cutting ourselves off from any great work that we might perform. And what is the major culprit of our shrinking time for daydreaming? You guessed it. Technology.

Great parent that I am, I immediately turned off the radio and made my kids (and myself) sit in silence for half an hour. Maybe they’ll thank me later (sarcasm intended). Well, they weren’t exactly in silence. They actually know how to play games and have conversations. They even know how to amuse themselves. It’s a lost art for adults much of the time.

When I posted on boredom a while back, a commenter shared a Blaise Pascal quote: “All men’s miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone.” A bit hyperbolic, but he makes a good point.

It’s an interesting discussion, so, by all means, check it out HERE.