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MLJ on Medicine and Pastoral Counseling, etc

I recently listened to several talks given by Martyn Lloyd-Jones to the Christian Medical Fellowship in the 1970’s. These talks are pure gold for a number of reasons. First, even as one who took a full semester on pastoral counseling in seminary, and as a student of psychology, his talk on the subject of counseling is far more thought-out, rational, spiritual, and balanced than anything I’ve ever heard. Second, his precise method of diagnosing the spiritual, physical, and psychological problems is clear and helpful. I will never forget it. Third, his take on demon possession is intriguing and helpful. Fourth, his handling of questions from his listeners is masterful. I do not think I have ever heard someone handle a question and answer session so logically and thoroughly. I will re-listen to the Q and A just to soak up how he answers questions. Finally, as someone who works in the pharmacy industry, his take on medicine is tremendously helpful and it is amazing to note how many of his predictions in the ‘medicine in modern society’ talk have come true.

These talks are worth a listen just to hear such logic in action, not to mention that they are tremendously helpful for someone in any sort of pastoral or medical field. I am of the opinion that, at least in America, the role of medicine is going to be a central area of pastoral concern in the years to come. We are often concerned about technology as the main thrust of the issues coming down the pike, but we must consider that medicine is a big part of modern technology. From ADHD meds to anti-anxiety drugs, we need to be aware of what is going on in our pews and how it effects our people. These talks are extremely helpful for the principles they set forth concerning such issues.


The Supernatural in Religion and Medicine

Q & A on Healing and Demon Possession

Mind, Body, and Spirit PART 1 and PART 2

The Role of Medicine in Modern Society

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